The Harmony of Wagasa and Autumn Foliage: Experiencing Kyoto’s Fall at Shorinji Temple

Shorin-ji Temple in Kyoto

Bishamon-do Shorinji (勝林寺), located in Kyoto’s Higashiyama Ward, is a sub-temple of Tofuku-ji. It is renowned as a hidden gem for autumn foliage in Kyoto.

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History and Overview

Established in 1550 (Tenbun 19) by Kogaku Reisho, the 205th head priest of Tofuku-ji, Shorinji is one of Tofuku-ji’s sub-temples.
Positioned to the northeast of Tofuku-ji, considered an inauspicious direction, it is often referred to as “Tofuku-ji’s Bishamonten.”


Shorin-ji Temple in Kyoto

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